“Be vigilant; guard your mind against negative thoughts.” | |
Buddha quote |
I woke up this morning with a few thoughts in my mind immediately and I became aware of their physiological response, which I could tell was minor amounts of stress. I started to consciously listen to the language of the thoughts and realized that I was using "If" "But" and "try" a lot and its interesting how these individual words shape a sentence that not only signals a stress response but opens up further internal dialogue of uncertainty. It is that uncertainty that causes the stress response - being unsure of outcomes is, after all, what we were designed to fear and take caution with. If I don't know what will happen with the possible outcome, I feel a little surge in the stomach. The signal carries through the bloodstream and manifests further uncertain thinking. But what If I take this action, or this action, etc - and again I begin a series of ambiguous and hesitant language in my mind. Why is this happening? I'm not sure, and I don't like not being sure. I'm going to try and think of positive thoughts. Hmmmm.. that's a weak and whispering argument.There are a host of words that, structured in a certain context, can be the very cause of the beginning of a "bad day". Should and could can be powerful catalysts to thoughts of doubt. Lets dive further into today's villains... IF, BUT, and TRY


The time shifter. Worrying about the future and feeling depressed about the past can often stem from internal dialogue that contained this powerful shifter of time, these two little tiny letters that can anchor a whole host of internal doubt: IF. Once he is inside your mind, you either go back, or you go forward, and typically you will travel with trepidation and uncertainty which can then lead to worry when you go forward and regret when you go back. If needs to be tamed and put to use when you say so! Appropriate use could be productive curiosity in a science lab, but let's be abundantly clear: If needs to be banned from unbridled thinking - especially first thing in the morning! If has no business steering thoughts. As we know, the right collection of words spoken inside are exactly what the brain is looking for to signal production of chemicals that change the states of our body. If is afraid of clear and repeated goals and visions. IF will cringe in the corner in the face of assertion. IF wont even try to enter the domain of the conscious mind that has a strong sense of self, values, and goals. Waking up with a statement like "I feel fantastic today and I am a wonderful person ready to have another brilliant day. I feel so strong and capable. I feel ready and prepared and certain and can't wait to see what the day offers" begins such positive perspective, its like spraying your mind with a can of bug repellent, except this time its to ward off the bugging thoughts of doubt.
The negator. BUT's clever trick - to take any collection of words and go back and eat them all as if they never existed. "I feel great today BUT I wish I had more money" Well... But just ate the part that says "I feel great today", leaving the rest to form the next series of thoughts. But is commonly used in criticism, and since this blog is chiefly concerned with internal dialogue, it stands to reason that BUT can do even more damage, wreak more havoc - because you are criticizing yourself! The most wonderfully crafted thought that could steer you to more positive thinking can all come to a crashing halt the second that BUT is allowed to emerge. "Man, I feel good today. I cant wait to go for that run, its going to feel so good. Afterwards I will go visit my mother and we can chat over tea. Its so good to connect regularly with Mom again. Ohhh.... BUT wait, I forgot about my dentists appointment. Shit, its at 3pm. Well that's in the middle of the day I cant plan around that. Traffic gets bad around then so I cant plan to drive down to the path for a run. Damn it, I should have thought of that sooner. Why cant I plan better? If only I was using a day planner stupid things like this wouldn't happen. Oh well, maybe another day." Its that easy for BUT to steer you into all kinds of doubt, and the feeling swells and gives you so much cause for concern that abandoning the positive perceptions altogether seem all that will satisfy this monster. BUT is not welcome in the conscious mind of certainty. BUT is rarely seen in positive outcome thinking. Got a BUT problem? Stay positive and repeat positive, affirming words and watch him shrivel to the void from whence he came.
The weakener. TRY will attack positive, outcome thinking and weakening it, making it easier for IF and BUT to go in for the kill. If you are constantly in a state of uncertainty, devoid of goals and outcome thinking, you'll often find yourself thinking of uncertain "half solutions". I could TRY this or I could TRY that, maybe then I will be happy. I will TRY to read more of my book today. I will TRY to make time to walk the dog today. I will TRY to feel good today. That last one is a perfectly good start to a series of powerful, affirming, positive outcome thoughts that can steer you into more strength and will. Insert TRY, however, and now you have that same possibility completely weakened. Its a weakening word. As Yoda said... "Do, or do not. There is no try".
Innoculate yourself of these parasitic words in your mind. Catch yourself, catch these little buggers in their tracks. If changing your thinking truly can change your life - what are thoughts but words inside your mind? What are those words, and are you making sure not only to keep them positive, but also guarding yourself against the ones that would steer you otherwise?
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